2024 Programme of Club Meetings

We meet on the second Saturday of each month at 1.30pm, at
Southern Youth Development, 45 Maori Road, Belleknowes, Dunedin.
Non-financial-members are always welcome, we ask a $5 donation at the door. Tea and biscuits, an interesting speaker, a wealth of knowledge and hands on experience with the club hives (depending on the weather) are available at every meeting.

Saturday 10 February, 1.30pm

Honey extraction and tasting

Saturday 9 March, 1.30pm

Beekeeping on YouTube. A curated selection to engage and provoke discussion and from which we might be able to learn.

Saturday 13 April, 1.30pm

Lyn Pope, Environmental Officer with the Dunedin City Council, will  explain the NZ Food Safety requirements for labeling and selling honey.

Thursday 23 May, 6.30pm

AFB. Is total elimination possible?
Representatives Niha Long and Marco Gonzalez from The Management Agency are joining us to bring us up to date and answer your questions. All welcome, free for members, $5 for non members. Pizza supplied, RSVP for catering purposes.

Saturday 8 June, 1.30pm

Hive maintenance, we’ll be cleaning and repairing club gear using some of the tips and tricks we picked up from our visit to Christchurch Beekeepers Club.

Saturday 13 July, 1.30pm

AGM, followed by a gadget session. Bring along and present your beekeeping gadgets and inventions.

Saturday 10 August, 1.30pm

Movie ScreeningHoneyland. A woman utilises ancient beekeeping traditions to cultivate honey in the mountains of North Macedonia. When a neighbouring family tries to do the same, it becomes a source of tension as they disregard her wisdom and advice.

Saturday 14 September, 11am – 3pm